Saturday, February 9, 2013

What's It Like To Be A Model For Nick Anvil (c) 2013

So people have asked us, "what it's like to be a model for Nick Anvil". Well you just never know when she will walk up and have a camera in your face, or sometimes a butt if you move fast. Needless to say you have to be on your model behavior at a given notice. Many a time we have woken up or opened an eye to see her standing over us with a camera. Sometimes I just lay there, but sometimes I strike a pose just to make her happy and hope she will let me go back to my nap. Just the other day Ting Ting and I were looking at some artwork in the house,a cute bird on the wall, and BAM there she is with a camera and once again our life is out on facebook for all the world to see. We know it's just a hobby so we humor her a lot. And then there are the endless conversations between her and her mate to discuss the picture she just took. So what is it like to be a model for Nick Anvil? The treats are good, the food moist and tender and lots of kibbles and petting to keep us happy. So I guess we'll hang around and YIPES, gotta go she has a camera pointed at me! The Cats of Nick Anvil

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